Experts in Solar Car Park Solutions

Let us show you what Solar Car Park shades can do for your property

Solar car parking information for Property Professionals

Property Managers

Property Advisors

Asset Managers

Environmental Advisors

Sustainability Managers

Centre Managers

Parking is a vital part of your customers experience. It’s often the first and last memory of your asset. The technology is changing and Owners should stay ahead of the curve when it comes to customer demand for new technology. Allison Yeoland [CEO Parking Asset Advisory]
  • Do you want to provide a greener, cleaner environment for your customers?
  • Does your company have net zero energy targets that need to be met?
  • Could your property reflect the sensibilities of your community on clean energy?
  • Will your customers be using Electric Vehicles in the near future?
  • Do you have NABERS or Greenstar ratings targets that need to be met?
  • Should your property be showing your customers what your company is doing to try and offset Climate Change?
  • Would you company be receptive to proposals that offer above 10% returns and improve the value of their asset?
  • Do you think shaded parking will increase business at retail stores in your property?

If you answer yes to any of the above then read on

Solar Car Parks systems can help you achieve your improvements for your site.

Contact us to show you what Solar Car Park shades can do for your property

nabers logo

Solar Carparks provide all these improvements to your property

  • Creating Clean Energy Onsite
  • Install structures in your carpark that have integrated Electric Vehicle charging stations
  • A Showpiece to all your clients that your company is doing their part on reducing Climate Change increases
  • Increasing your NABERS ratings for the site and for the whole portfolio
  • Help to meet the required ESG goals for the investors
  • Create an obvious reminder when they park at your property that your company principles align with theirs
  • Create shaded parking for cars across the carpark
  • Onsell of this energy provides an additional income stream for the property that can be capitalized up for increased asset value

I was thinking about traditional shade sails?

You should look into solar car parks. Solar car parks are:

  • Much longer-lasting (25 year+)
  • Offer a much better ROI
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • Better for the planet
  • Require less maintenance
  • Creates a great user experience
  • Scale-able
  • Happier Clienteles
  • Returning Customers
  • Content Tenants in your Property
  • Better Returns for Investors

Here are few FAQs about Solar Car Park

Funding options available with Microgrids to run the network and provide an extra  “rental income” for the site that when capitalised increases the property’s value.
Structures can have water management features added to provide a dry environment under the canopy; water can be collected into tanks.
Power can be fed into the embedded network or microgrid to create a financial return on the resale of the energy.
No intrusion into carspaces by structures so no loss of any car spaces and compliant with AS requirements for carparks.
Panel agnostic system so almost all solar panel types accepted.
On average 3kW of Solar Power per car space (depending on solar module).